Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dream Big by Andy Scheer

Business magazine Forbes recently reported the past year’s top-earning authors.

Totals include earnings from print, ebook, and audiobook sales, plus TV and movie earnings.

James Patterson, $90 million

Dan Brown, $28 million

Nora Roberts, $23 million

Danielle Steel, $22 million

Janet Evanovich, $20 million

Jeff Kinney, $17 million

Veronica Roth, $17 million

John Grisham, $17 million

Stephen King, $17 million

Suzanne Collins, $16 million

J. K. Rowling, $14 million

George R.R. Martin, $12 million

David Baldacci, $11 million

Rick Riordan, $10 million

E.L. James, $10 million

Gillian Flynn, $9 million

John Green, $9 million

That represents a lot of books, but just the tip of the publishing iceberg.


Kristen said...

OK, so if I get to be someone on this awesome list, I would want to be Rick Riordan. His books are so so good and I can read them to my sons. Way to go Rick!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this Andy, way I look at it, our chances are a lot better than playing the lottery! Joseph Max Lewis

Linda Glaz said...

I read somewhere that there are approx. 100 authors in the US that are considered making a lucrative living from writing. Does that sound about right?

Diana Flegal said...

When we think there is no money to be made...obviously there is. :-) Just keep swimming- just keep swimming!

Terri Tiffany said...

One word. Wow.